Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Heven't you find the Hideeni yet?

Alright here, I am going to show you how to get the Cute Puppy Plushy.

Click Here to get the Puppy without finding the Hideeni!

If you are not very sure if you found him before then this is a picture of it:

Code generator dosen't work

Alright the code generator dosen't work here so click here to go to the website to the code generator.

I am very sorry guys.

Pet Society 2,000 coins cheat is Out!

Okay, I found this hack and wants to share with you guys.

These are the things you must have:
1)Internet Explorer(I tried Firefox but dosen't work)
2)Flash Player 9
3)Cheat Engine v5.5

These are the steps for the 2,000 coin cheat:
1)Log in to Facebook then open pet society
2)Go to the stadium and click bet(just bet 5coins on any one--even if they lose you will still get the coins)
3)Do not click on ready of else it won't work
4) Scan 5D8B00000652840F with Hex,Also scan read only memory and 8 bytes
This is the code generator:


Result will open in a popup!
5)Copy the address into the code generator
6)Click generate and copy the whole code
7)Right click the address and click disassemble this memory region
8)Go to tools at the top and click auto-assemble
9)Paste the code in and click execute
10)Click ready and let the race start

Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Runescape Private Server is OUT!

Alright a friend of mine created a Runescape private server.
It runs on hamachi, I played it before and it does not even lag at all!

If you want to play click this link below to download the client

Download Client

If you don't have Hamachi then click here

Click here to go to his website to know more.
There is a video there to guide you while using his server.