Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tips and Tricks for Crazy Planet


The bazooka is one of the basic weapons that you start out with. While its damage isn’t the best,

and doesn’t get that much more powerful as you upgrade it, it still remains a good weapon to

use, as it is accurate (excepting the really long shots). To fire, simply aim (the white trail line is

very useful), and fire. The blast radius is very small. It takes 2 shots to kill a basic robot, and as

you can see from the figures below, you need to upgrade to level 4 before it can kill a basic robot

in 1 hit. For firing short distances, the white pointer trail should be good enough. For longer

distances, increase the power (move the mouse away from your avatar for a stronger shot), and

flatten the curve of the white pointer trail. Basically you want to shoot the enemy in the

stomach as hard as you can.

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