Thursday, September 3, 2009

Out of fun

Okay this is just for fun, this hack gives you unlimited items in restaurant city.

This is what you need:
1)Cheat Engine v5.5
2)Firefox or Internet
3)5 items of the same kind

Okay this hack isn't working anymore.If you want to have fun try it.
Here are the steps:
1) Load restaurant city
2)Open cheat engine v5.5 and select the process
3)In the cheat engine, tick Hex, tick Also scan read-only memory and 8 bytes
4)Scan the number of items you got like 5(it is a must to have 5)
5)Put 1 item into restaurant city
6)Type in 4 next to the Hex and click next scan
7)Bring 1 more item out  into your restaurant
8)Scan the number 3 and click next scan and you should be able to see 1 address found
9) Double click the address and it will go below
10)Double click the value and change it into any number you like(even 2 it will still be unlimited)
11)Drag the item out into your restaurant

Have fun,Good Luck!

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