Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tips and Tricks for Crazy Planet

Fluff Bombs
Fluff Bombs are another unusual weapon in that they cannot fire upwards, the flight path tends

downwards, and not very far. Once fired, three little orange fluffs come out, and bounce their

way forwards. While these fluffs can get ‘trapped’ so to speak, against the feet of an enemy,

generally they tend to bounce up and over the enemies, so their accuracy isn’t very good at all.

Their damage is fairly decent at level 1, 30, and their blast radius is small. The best use for these

is firing them across a long stretch of even ground, or better still, into/along an underground

corridor at an enemy. Another thing to remember when firing these is that the higher the arc,

the bigger the bounce … and the more power, the further they go before they explode. Unless

you need to bounce them over an object, the best is to use a very flat trajectory, and they will

roll along the ground and not bounce at all. Here is a before and after in one ... the robot is

about to get hit from 3 little cute

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