Things you need:
1)Flash Player 9/10
2)Cheat Engine v5.5
Okay now this are the steps:
1)Load Pet Society
2)Open Cheat Engine v5.5(tick hex,8bytes and ASROM)
3)Buy an apple and stay in the food store
4) Scan 110FF2D045590FF2
5)Disassemble memory and copy the address of the 1st code(Put into the generator
6)Put your details in the generator(e.g, Paw points and level you want to reach)
7)Click Enviar(Generate)
8)Click tools on the disassemble memory and select auto assemble.
9)Copy the code on the generator and paste it in the auto assemble thing and click execute
10)Go and buy one more apple and you will start leveling
The code is below:
PS Level Maker PAW Hack
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If you cannot see the code just go to
Sorry I will make a video of the hack.
Good Luck
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