Sunday, September 13, 2009

Restaurant City Money Cheat is OUT!

This is a new money cheat for restaurant city money cheat.But you won't get 4000coins at one time but 2coins.
This hack will enable you to get money faster because of:
1)Running Customers
2)One-second cooking
3)Bill Fast
4)Customers doesn't need toilet(Incresing your popularity)

Now I shall teach you how to use this hack.
But you need this things:
1)Adobe Flash Player 9
2)Cheat Engine v5.5
3)Firefox or Internet Explorer 7/8
4)Piaip Restaurant City Software Click HERE 

 This are the steps:
1)Load Restaurant City and put all workers to work
2)Open the process list of your cheat engine and select Firefox or Internet(whichever you are using)
3)On your Cheat Engine, tick Hex ,8bytes and Also scan read-only memory
4)Scan this codes:
D85D89C33B28408B ( Stamina Cheat)

000001108689C22B (Cook Fast )

0001148B8B10468B (Serve // Bill Fast)

4F840FE04589C085 (Toliet)

000000808B110FF2 (Work Fast)

Copy the address of each code to this code generator   |

RC Tools Online Version 5.2 For Flash Player 9







5)Above this line you will see the code generated after you click enter with the addresses in
6)Copy the whole code and paste it at the bottom of the cheat engine and tick every box
7)Open the Piaip software and select either Internet or Firefox and double click patch!

           Good Luck Guyz!

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