Wednesday, September 2, 2009

RC(Restaurant City) quick level to 32

Okay this a hack that helps you to level quickly in restaurant city on FACEBOOK.
When the hack works , each plate your waiter clears you will gain 4000 gourmet points.
Here are the items that you will need for the hack to work:

1)Cheat Engine V5.5
2)Adobe Flash Player 9
3)Mozila Firefox

Okay this is how it works, follow the steps:

1)Load RC(Restaurant City) and open Cheat engine
2)Select the internet on the list on the top right hand corner
3) On Cheat Engine Tick HEX,Also scan Read-only memory and 8 bytes,and when

RC loads scan FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2

You will Find 1 address, right click it and clicked Disassemble it.
5)You will be able to see mov eax, FFFFFFFF change it to mov eax, 00004e20
Go back to Restaurant City and everytime your waiter clear the plates you will get an increase
4000 gourmet points
7)Good Luck!

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